Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wine Rack Furniture- Presentation is Important

Recently I went to a Sushi restaurant with some friends who were avid eaters of sushi.  My personal experience with sushi had been limited until this night.  What a wonderful surprise both my husband and I experienced.  
Eating sushi was not just about the food itself but the presentation of the sushi as well.  Big white platters with decoratively arranged sushi were delivered to our table.  Artistic drawings of birds done in sauce were drawn on the plates.  Vibrant colors of oranges, greens and reds topped the sushi dishes.  I was in awe of the presentation of the food.  The flavor of the food became enhanced to me as I explored the different versions of sushi offered up to us in this extraordinary presentation.  

Presentation is important.  

Wine lover's know the importance of presentation as well. Whether it is vintage bottles of red from a winery in France or Italy, or bottles of red or white from the local grocery store,  presentation matters.  

Wine Cellars exemplify this truth.  They are not only designed to store wines for perfect presentation once opened, but they are themselves artistic designed masterpieces.  Modern day cellars are made of carefully chosen woods and beautiful architectural stones.   

Grotto Cellars custom residential wine cellar.

Wine rack furniture is the wine cellar for the average wine loving home owner.  Just as wine cellars do, wine furniture offers storage and display space all in one.

Wrought Iron elegance with space to serve your wine.
Wine Rack Furniture comes in many styles and sizes.
Home owners of wine cellars often have beautiful wall murals adding to the entire atmosphere of the cellar and presentation of the wine.  Create this same feel by adding wall art or wall mounted wine racks over your wine rack furniture.  Display a wine bottle with your favorite wine glasses in a wine holder that displays both your wine and wine glasses. offers beautiful murals.

Wine Holders can showcase wine and wine glasses.

Wine enthusiasts collect wine just as baseball fans may collect baseball cards or other memorabilia.  Shadow boxes often display a collectors prized collection on the walls of their homes.  Wine racks are the display boxes of the average wine lover.   

Grapevine Wine Rack artistically displays wine collection.

Wine Caddy adds beauty and artistic presentation to your wine.

Presentation matters.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Consider Proper Wine Storage when Selecting a Wine Rack

Okay, I am just going to put it out there.  Not everyone can afford to have a cellar for proper wine storage. And even if you can,  you may just want an interesting artistic way to display and store a few bottles in your kitchen or dining area.   Hence the beauty of the wine rack.  A wine rack not only is the average wine drinkers answer to wine storage, but it is the wine lover's iconic display of their knowledge of and passion for wine.  It makes sense then to consider proper wine storage when selecting a wine rack for you home.  

I consulted 3 sites, Vintage Cellars, and  All 3 sites agree that light, temperature, and humidity are the three factors that have the most direct effect on wine preservation.  Selecting an area with no vibration was also mentioned as important by all of these sites.  But before we look more deeply into these 4 areas I feel it is important to point out what explains about the majority of wines sold in the US today.

"The majority of wine, made or imported into the USA up to the $20.00 price point, is meant to be consumed within a year or two of the release. Some of these wines will get better in a year or two and its fine to keep them around a little longer, but most of the world's wines (about 90%) are meant to be consumed young."

That being said, wine storage is still important, but unless you are planning on buying and keeping wines for 2 or more years, perfect storage conditions may not be as critical.


The problem with light and wine is that light can interact with the wine's phenolic compounds to create unpleasant characteristics.  However, according to most modern bottles have ultraviolet filters built into the glass that help protect the contents from most of the effects of UV rays.  You will still want to keep your wines out of direct sunlight. Therefore, when considering a wine rack style, i.e. table top, wall mount, or wine furniture, think first about a location in your home that is protected from direct sunlight.  Maybe the north wall in your dining room stays shaded, or the countertop in your kitchen gets the least direct sunlight.  A shaded spot in the study is also a great place to consider putting your wine rack. 


According to all 3 sites 55 degrees is the ultimate temperature for storing wines.  However, without a cellar that is difficult to accomplish.  But remember, most wines sold in the US are not meant to be stored for longer periods of time, but to be opened while still young. does say that storing wines in your home is acceptable.  Keeping the temperatures of your wines constant is key. Temperature fluctuations can be damaging to your wines. So although you may not have it at 55 degrees, a constant temperature is helpful.

"Although, it is possible to store wine at an acceptable temperature in a house or apartment, you should choose your spot carefully.  North-facing walls and nooks and crannies are places to examine."


The importance of humidity is related to keeping the cork moist and if you are not storing your wines for the long term then keeping your bottles on their side will help keep the corks moist until you open them.

"Regular or constant vibrations from pumps, motors or generators should be avoided since the vibrations they cause are thought to negatively affect the evolution of the

So do not place your wine rack on top of your refrigerator or dryer.  

And one final note that all sites also mention.  Do not store your wines in areas where strong odors exist.  The wines may pick up the odors in their flavors.  Yuck who wants a wine that tastes of car gas fumes?

A quick recap of things to consider before you purchase your wine rack. 

Select a space that is shaded from direct sunlight, the darker the better.

The area should have no vibration.

Be sure not to choose a location that would put your wine around strong odors.

And lastly select an area where temperatures will stay more consistent (not the garage if is is not temperature controlled.) 

Once you have chosen the best locations for a wine rack in your home then you can select your wine rack and fill it up.   Keep in mind one last point.  If you are storing wines that use cork closures, then you want to select a rack that will have the wine bottles on their sides or upside down to keep the cork moist. 
Bottles stored on their sides is key to correct wine storage.

If you follow these tips you can be confident that you will be able to store your wines correctly enough to enjoy great tasting wine every time.  For tips and ideas on serving wine visit our sister blog wineranddiner.