Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Selecting a Wine Rack for Your Home

There are many affordable wine racks available on line and in brick and mortar stores. But the internet offers the most comprehensive selection of wine racks available.

Here are key points to keep in mind when looking for a wine rack. 

Look for ones that store the wine bottles either at an angle or completely on their side. This is important to keep the corks moist. It can be damaging to the wine if a cork dries out. A wine rack that holds the bottles completely upside down would work too.  But if you are just absolutely in love with a wine rack that stores the bottles straight up and down that is fine too.  Just keep in mind the length of time you store those wines in that particular rack.  Be sure to consume them within a couple of months to ensure a better tasting glass of wine.

Wine racks vary in size and styles. Table top styles offer the most selection and are by far the most popular choice for the wine drinker. But you can find wine racks that are meant to be mounted on the wall and many of those styles will hold wine glasses as well. Wine rack furniture is another option for storing ones treasured wine collection and offering room for other things as well.  The bakers rack style shown below would work in either the kitchen or dining area and offer storage room for plates and other kitchen and dining accessories. 

Know where you want to put your wines.  Consider areas that are protected from direct sunlight again to better ensure a great tasting glass of wine.  Having some idea as to where you want to use the wine rack will help you determine style and size.

Finally, define your home decor style.  Is your style traditional with the deep cherry oak furniture or maybe it is more shabby chic with vintage type furniture. A modern eclectic look may be more your style.  With all the selection on the internet you are sure to find one to fit your home decor.  

The choices of wine rack styles available today are amazing.  Choosing a rack made of metal or wrought iron will simplify this decision for you because most of these styles are flexible enough to go with any home decor. Wrought iron racks tend to be even more decorative in style and can add a beautiful artistic flair to the home.

Check out our website at www.winerackdecor.com for a decorative and elegant selection of wine racks for your home.

1 comment:

  1. This looks amazing. Never seen this type of wine rack. What a lovely colour. Thanks for the post.
